Since the ODie lasts so long, does it use more toxic products?
This is a common question from those who have used monthly or quarterly spray services. It’s actually quite the opposite. Surface sprays are designed to quickly kill or repel the pests that step on the sprayed surface area. Our integrated ODie™ pest control system a once a year system designed to control the pests without any interior sprays. First, we use a selection of protein, carbohydrate and sweet attractant baits with a touch of boric acid, a mineral, and place them locations where the insects live and breed, like wall voids, wet areas cracks and crevices. Secondly, most pests come and go from the outside, so we apply naturally occurring pest repellents to your exterior perimeter, around eaves, doors, windows, mulch and landscape areas, blocking their passage. Together, they provide long term eradication without the hassles, fears or smells associated with monthly or quarterly sprays.
"I have asthma” or “I’m pregnant” or “I have small children and pets". Do we need to leave during the treatment?
Our ODIE™ once-a-year pest control system is not a surface spray. All our products are placed in cracks, crevices, wall voids, attic and other out of reach places. However, if you have any concerns about the products we use, we’ll gladly supply you with the MSDS sheets for you or your physician to review.
Will the ODie™ Once-a-year pest control system smell?
The basic procedures have little to no smell, however certain pests may require special treatments, which may have a slight odor. We will advise you if these procedures are needed.
When will I see results from my ODie™?
Some pests will only need one visit while others will be eliminated over time. An average expectation to reach eradication is within 30 days for most pests including any follow ups.
Will I ever see a bug?
Bugs can bypass the barrier we put down in different ways. They can be carried over the barrier by people and pests. Trees that contact the roof, allow pests to bypass our barrier. Pressure washing or painting the exterior removes the protective barrier. During heavy rains, pests may pass through our barrier in an attempt to survive. They will seek shelter in cracks, crevices and wall voids where they’ll find our products and be eliminated. Excessive water around the exterior will breakdown the barrier. When there is interior evidence of targeted pests, call us so we can determine the best treatment and schedule a service call at no extra charge.
Since you’re doing the outside, does the ODie™ cover the yard?
Targeted pests in the yard are not covered under the ODie. The ODie covers pests that are inside the home. We have estimated that 95% of the pests we find in our homes originated from the outside. Our exterior barrier is to block their passage. However, if a targeted pest from outside is crossing the barrier and getting inside, we will come and treat the interior.
Does your ODie™ Once-a-year pest control service cover fleas, rodents or termites?
Odie covers ants, silverfish, spiders and roaches (excluding German roaches). We offer a variety of services to control these and other pests. If you want to discuss other treatments, e-mail or call our office so we can assist.
What if I see a bug after performing the ODie™, what do I do, and is there an extra charge?
The objective of our service is to eradicate all targeted pests. However, if there is live evidence of targeted pests inside your home, please call for service. We will schedule a technician to come out at no extra charge.
Do I pay monthly or quarterly for the ODie™ Once-a-year pest control service?
Due to the complex procedure, time and cost of products to eradicate all pest populations from the beginning, the service is paid in full prior to or at the time of treatment. However, we accept all major credit cards, if you wish to pay for your service over time.
Will you be my technician?
Our technicians provide inspections and services. They are cross trained to be able to inpect, make recommendations and implement the service.
Why the name Emergency?
As a customer of Emergency Pest Control, we quickly reply to our customers to address their concerns. Emergency services are available. Call 813-933-1911 and follow the Emergency Call instructions.
How can I treat for bed bugs?
Bed Bugs can be treated in a few different ways. The treatment depends on the extent of the infestation and the environment where they are found. There are liquid treatments, heat treatments, freezing treatments and gas treatments. Emergency Pest Control will inspect and recommend the best course of action for your bed bug problem.